Previous Events - 2022
June 2022
1st - John Lewis - Oxford St
4th - John Lewis - Oxford St
9th - Oriole - Louise Messenger Trio
12th - Bermondsey Larder
12th - The Ned (with The London Dance Orchestra)
14th - Swing at The Scolt (with The London Dance Orchestra)
16th - 18th - Brasserie Zedel
21st - Swing at The Scolt (with The London Dance Orchestra)
22nd - OXO Tower Brasserie
25th - The Dilly
28th - The Mildmay Jazz Club
30th - Cafe Boheme - Soho
May 2022
1st - Private Event - Jazzbourne
2nd - Elise Roth sings Judy Garland - Not my gig! But Elise is fab so you should all go!
5th - Nightjar, Carnaby St - Louise Messenger Trio
6th - Toulouse Lautrec Piano Bar with Sean Fyfe
12th - The Frontroom, Croydon (Daytime event) - Louise Messenger Trio
21st - The Oriole - Louise Messenger Swingtet
28th - Private Event - Shout Sisters & Swing Ninjas
29th - Bermondsy Larder, with Harry Sankey (Jazz Lunch)
29th - The Ned - London Dance Orchestra
April 2022
1st - One Night Records - Louise Messenger Swingtet
8th - The Candlelight Club - The Swing Ninjas
9th - Nighthawks Spring Ball - The Shout Sisters
12th - Cable Cafe for Good Evening Arts - curated by Harry Sankey
13th - Nightjar, Shoreditch
16th - Oxo Tower Brasserie - Jazz Lunch with Harry Sankey
17th - Paper Moon Easter Ball - The Swing Ninjas
19th - the Scolt Head - London Dance Orchestra
21st - Cafe Boheme with Harry Sankey
23rd - Oriole Bar - The Intercontinentals feat. Leigh Barker (Aus/Paris) Duncan Hemstock (Aus/London)
24th - Boisedale Canary Wharf - Jazz Lunch - The Intercontinentals
24th - The Ned - The London Dance Orchestra
25th - A-Train, Hammersmith - The Intercontinentals! **OUR DEBUT GIG FOR DANCERS!**
27th - Boisedale of Bishopsgate feat Leigh Barker (Paris/Aus) (use code ELVIS when booking to get a special discount!)
28th - Boisedale of Bishopsgate feat Leigh Barker (Paris/Aus) (use code ELVIS when booking to get a special discount!)
30th - Quaglino's Jazz Lunch - Louise Messenger Swingtet
30th - Oriole Bar - Louise Messenger Swingtet
March 2022 - Australia
As this trip is primarily to see my wonderful family after a prolonged inability to return home (thanks pandemic!) I'll be taking a break from gigs and just putting on a small season in the Adelaide Fringe Festival
13th - Louise Messenger sings Ella at Zardi's - The Jade (Adelaide Fringe Festival)
15th - Louise Messenger sings Ella at Zardi's - The Jade
16th - Louise Messenger sings Ella at Zardi's - The Jade
20th - The Swinger's Club - Quicksteps Outdoor Ballroom (Adelaide Fringe Festival)
25th - Swing Into Spring, Shoreditch Town Hall - The Swing Ninjas
26th - Quaglino's Jazz Lunch - Louise Messenger Swingtet
27th - The Ned - London Dance Orchestra
29th - The Mildmay Jazz Club - The London Dance Orchestra
31st - One Night Records - Louise Messenger Swingtet
February 2022
1st - The Scolt Head - London Dance Orchestra
2nd - Oxo Tower Brasserie with Laurence Corns
5th - Cafe Boheme, Soho with Laurence Corns
6th - Boisdale Canary Wharf, Jazz Lunch - Louise Messenger Swingtet
9th - Nightjar, Shoreditch - Louise Messenger Trio
10th - Crazy Coqs, Picadilly Circus - The Anti-Valentines Day Jazz Cabaret
12th - Quaglino's, Jazz Lunch - Louise Messenger Swingtet
13th - The Ned - London Dance Orchestra
15th - Fly to Australia - See you in a few weeks London!
January 2022
1st - The Birch, Jazz Brunch with Carl Orr
2nd - The Birch, Jazz Brunch with Harry Diplock
2nd - Oxo Tower Brasserie with Harry Diplock
8th - Toulouse Lautrec Piano Bar, with Sean Fyfe
9th - The Ned - London Dance Orchestra
11th - The Mildmay Jazz Club - Louise Messenger Swingtet
13th - Cafe Boheme with Harry Diplock
15th - Jazzbourne - Louise Messenger Trio
16th - Boisdale of Canary Wharf, Jazz Lunch - Louise Messenger Swingtet
18th - Boisedale of Belgravia - Louise Messenger Swingtet
19th - Boisedale of Belgravia - Louise Messenger Swingtet
20th - Boisedale of Belgravia - Louise Messenger Swingtet
23rd - Boisdale of Canary Wharf, Jazz Lunch - Louise Messenger Swingtet
23rd - The Ned - London Dance Orchestra
25th - Oxo Tower Brasserie with Laurence Corns
28th - The Spitz Charity - with Harry Diplock
Hi Friends!
I try and update this site as regularly as I can - but for more up to the minute listings check out my instagram as most things end up on there!
Louise xxx
ps. also - look how fancy I am. As of July I now have an actual calendar. I promise promise I'll try update it more regularly :)